Jours fériés à la bourse de Londres

Les jours fériés à retenir pour le London stock exchange en 2024

Calendrier des jours fériés en 2024 pour les bourses de : Paris | Francfort | Londres | Zurich | New-York | Toronto | Tokyo

jours de fermeture à la bourse de paris

Les jours de fermeture de la bourse de Londres seront au nombre de 9 pour l'année 2024. Ces jours fériés concernent le marché du London stock exchange.

Retrouvez ci dessous, le calendrier des jours de fermeture de la bourse de Londres pour l'année 2023.

List of 2023 London Stock Exchange Market holidays and description of the holidays.

Agenda des jours fériés 2024 à Londres

Description of holidays in England

The stock market is closed on New Year's Day at the London Stock Exchange

The first day of the year is somehow sacred, it marks our destiny for the whole year ahead.

The songs, dances, toasts, embraces are made in joy, light and noise to bury the old year and celebrate the birth of the new under the best auspices.
Music, party favors, firecrackers, horns, candles and fireworks having always had the power to scare away evil spirits.

The stock market during the big Easter weekend

Good Friday is the Friday before Easter. This day is very important in the Christian tradition, because it commemorates the Passion, that is to say, the torment, the procession and the crucifixion of Christ.

It is therefore a day of recollection for the most faithful, and not of celebration or celebration. This event is very important for the Christian religion because it announces the end of the "human" life of Jesus before his resurrection.

Passover Monday is a holiday that celebrates renewal after a holy week. Thus, the past seven days represent different strong moments in the Catholic religion: the Last Supper or meal of Christ, the passion of Christ and his sufferings on the cross for men and his resurrection.

Bank holiday for commemoration of May Day. The market is closed

Equivalent to Labor Day in France, this bank holiday always falls on the first Monday of May. Song, dance and music festivals are held throughout the country to celebrate the foundation of spring. In London, it is also a holiday and everyone benefits as it should.

The Spring bank holiday at the London Stock Exchange is closed

This bank holiday is traditionally a continuation of the Pentecost period. This is the opportunity for the British to afford a small outing with family or friends to the city or to the countryside.
In some villages, customs persist and celebrations, community or religious, are going well.

The summer bank holiday at the London Stock Exchange

As in Wales and Northern Ireland, this bank holiday marks the end of the summer holidays. It is held on the last Monday of August. Prelude to a hectic comeback, it's a day of celebration marked by family reunions and parades in the cities. The most famous event of the period is undoubtedly the Notting Hill carnival.

The stock market during during the Christmas period at the Stock Exchange

On December 24, the day before Christmas Day, the market closes prematurely at 2:30 pm, unless it is a day-weekend. Snow is regularly on the scene and stores are open late the night before. Londoners take the opportunity to complete their final preparations and meet as a family, around a generous table.

December 25 is Christmas Day, which is a Christian holiday. Christmas is one of the happiest holidays of the year. A moment of sharing and communion, the date of Christmas marks the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. It has been celebrated every year for several centuries with the famous myth of Santa Claus.

Boxing Day is the day after December 25th. Originally, the young British unpacked their gifts the day after Christmas, hence the name of "Boxing Day". In England, the sport of high level is in the spotlight, with meetings between the tenors of major championships, including the Premier League football.

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